4 million students across the globe use Letsintern to find Internships of all forms :
-Virtual Internships
-Brand Evangelists
-Volunteer Opportunities
-Campus Ambassador
-& Full time jobs.
With more than 30,000 organizations onboard we are transforming how talent meets industry.
How it works :
- Register your account with a tap
- Create your profile
- Search & Apply for Internships
- Get Hired :)
Why students love it :
- Easy to create profile and one tap apply
- Internship opportunities from MNC's
- In depth internship application tracking
- Notifications for hot opportunities
- Shareable Internship Certificates inside the app
- Preferred Internship suggestions
All this for FREE.
- 虚拟实习
- 品牌福音
- 与全职工作。
怎么运行的 :
- 用自来水注册帐户
- 创建您的个人资料
- 搜索和申请实习
- 受雇用 :)
- 轻松创建配置文件和一个水龙头申请
- 从跨国公司的实习机会
- 在深入实习应用跟踪
- 通知热的机会
- 在应用程序中共享的实习证书
- 首选实习建议